How I lost 5 KG in 3 Months without any Diet Plan

4 min readApr 13, 2022
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Fitness Industry is full of chaos and misguiding influencers. There was a time when people didn't have access to any information regarding fitness & bodybuilding, And people were completely dependent on their local Gym Trainers and had no option but to follow them blindly. Now it's time when people have all the access to the information on the world internet & have multiple options but one thing remains the same people still follow them blindly.

After spending a lot of time in the gym & reading fitness books, and articles, spending a lot of money on fancy groceries, and unnecessary supplements, I have realised that no supplement can do magic & no diet, and no workouts can make you fit or help you archive your goal as long as it stresses you or puts a hold on your daily routine.

So to achieve your fitness goal what do you need. I think I have an answer and it

  1. Mindful Eating
  2. Physically Active Lifestyle
  3. Suitable Workout Plan

By following the above three practices I have lost 5 KG in 3 months at my own pace and without stressing myself & with no impact on my daily routine.

Let's talk about all three practices in detail what are they and how they help.

  1. Mindful Eating
    Mindful eating is basically eating the same food that you are having on a daily basis and Increasing or Decreasing the quantity of food on basis of your goal.
    The first step is to calculate the macros & calories you require to achieve your goal. You can use any tool to calculate I mostly prefer the tool by legion athletics:
    There are 4 main elements to check in your diet
    i. Protein
    ii. Carbs
    iii. Fiber
    iv. Fat
    Mostly our daily foods are high in carbs & fats, while doing mindful eating you can adjust carbs & fats as required and give some space to protein & fibre on your plate.
    Now let's talk about protein, People often lose minds when it comes to protein and end up gulping jars of whey protein and looking for a protein-rich diet everywhere, anytime.
    There is simple math behind protein which is that your requirement of protein in your body depends on your activity level. Please find a simple formula that I use:
    i. Sedentary Lifestyle : Bodyweight (KG) X 1 = Protien in grams
    ii. Active Lifestyle: Bodyweight (KG) X 1.5 = Protein in grams
    (Walking, Running or Homeworkout twice or thrice in a week)
    iii. Very Active Lifestyle: Bodyweight (KG) X 2 = Protein in grams
    (Gym Workout 3- 4 times a week, Plays a sport)
  2. Physical Active Lifestyle:
    If you go to the gym for a workout & take a lift instead of stairs it doesn't make sense at all, Even if your gym is on the 10th floor and you take stairs it will help your body to warm up & you can burn some extra calories.
    Try to use stairs whenever you can instead of the elevator. Make a routine of 20-30 mins of walk post your lunch or dinner. Do a little exercise or stretching in the morning when you wake up. Or you can spend 1 hour every Saturday on an activity which makes you sweat out it can be playing your favourite sport, running or walking up to 5–8 KMs, skipping, Shadow Boxing etc.
    Involving any 2 physical activities in your daily routine is enough to keep you healthy, fit & fine. I usually prefer 20–30 mins of walking post-lunch & dinner and running on Saturdays.
  3. Suitable Workout Plan:
    If you are physically active then going to the gym for a workout is a completely optional thing, It depends on your goals. And being physically fit or bodybuilding is two different things. If your goal is to achieve a certain goal or you want to get six-pack abs then you should go to the gym or else bodyweight workouts at home on daily basis are more than enough to keep you fit & in shape. Now it doesn't matter if you work out at home or in the gym as long as you don't have a workout plan all your efforts will go in vain. To get an effective plan consult with an authorised trainer or get an authentic book on workout which can help you to gain knowledge & also guide you to achieve the physic you want.

These three are the main key points I follow in my life on & off to keep myself fit & healthy. There are a certain periods of time every year where I completely go off the track & enjoy parties, festivals & eat whatever I like & I think it is okay to do so. And then I get back on track and follow the routine to take control of my health.




An ordinary IT Guy who is always striving to learn, grow & inspire to live an extra ordinary life.